3 Jul 2019

Belakangan ini, saya berkontemplasi dengan begitu lama atas sepaket kegagalan dan tantangan yang saya hadapi dalam satu bulan terakhir. Sampai2, jiwa saya tertantang untuk bisa lebih melapangkan dada untuk lebih banyak menerjang beragam pilihan yang ada.

Kegagalan beberapa beasiswa yang sudah dipersiapkan dalam waktu yang lama dengan begitu matang. Kegagalan mengikuti pelatihan, yang mana persiapannya saya konsultasikan dengan begitu banyak orang. Dan kegagalan dalam hidup.

Lalu saya bertanya2, mau kemanakah arah hidup ini membawa saya melangkah?

Baiklah! Kembali berbenah dan tersenyum! Dunia tidak hancur dengan tiga-empat kegagalan, loh!
^ ^

31 Mar 2019


Dalam satu setengah tahun terakhir, saya memancarkan aura negatif ke seluruh penjuru kolega. Aura depresi, tertekan, stress, dan senyum pahit seolah seluruh beban dipikul seorang diri dalam poros saya seorang. Dalam beberapa posting saya menyadari betul bahwa proses pembelajaran dan adaptasi ini memakan waktu, tenaga, dan emosi. Berkali-kali jungkar balik, terseok-seok, lantas memasang senyum pahit sambal berasumsi segala hal akan baik-baik saja. Seolah masalah ini hanya tentang saya dan dunia saya.

Lantas, melihat ke belakang, saya melihat sosok positif di pojok memori masa sma. Aish, betapa bersemangatnya sosok itu, masa bodo dengan kekonyolan bertubi-tubi, maju terus karena belajar adalah proses seumur  hidup. Dan tiba saatnya dalam beberapa minggu ini saya produktif kembali! Bergulat kembali dengan produktifitas yang terukur dan tertata. Mencoba menjadikan diri lebih bermanfaat, hingga akhirnya aku menemukan ritme 'ini dia yang kucari!'

Kemudian saya bertekad untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih positif memandang hidup. Untuk bisa lebih banyak berbagi dan memberi *bahkan meski sekedar senyum maupun semangat untuk tetap memandang ke depan.


18 Jan 2019

to Bridge a Communication Gap

Disney said that snow white could live twice after eating poisonous apple because seven dwarfs took care after. Luckily, prince of charming suddenly came by and help her waking up from the long day-dreaming, bringing to the happily ever after life story.

But life is not as simple as the story of eternal happiness. It cannot be reflected (even any part of it) as magical as Disney’s theatrical story. It was harsh, dramatic, and full of conflict. It was complicated, where you should strategically decide the best character in order to find the most suitable circle you'd prefer.

Prejudice's Framework
I’ve been living long-enough to identify people’s perception toward us. They usually put prejudice from the simple assumption and elaborate further after digging in depth into. They’re assessing subject according to their first impression, the way they talk, fashion they prefer, brand of accessories, knowledgeability, and many more. It holds a critical role to represent your degree of education, social status, even to  the political orientation.

For instance, by the time that we’re confronting presidential election nationally, people become more offensive of claiming their preference is the best while the rest potentially bringing wracking-havoc. Many of people updating their status, saying that his candidate is the best one, and humiliating on the opponent side. Delivering the list of sensible reason although some of those are questionable. They built an authentic assumption as the basis of preference. Interestingly, it looks like a doctrine. They’ve been exposed to many things and turns out, any minor symbol could lead to hatred, anger, or boredom from the opponent. This paradigm unconsciously was built as an argument of disliking the other sides. 

Celeste Headlee said that we are living in the bizarre world. Where every conversation has the potential to devolve into an argument. Where even the most trivial issue have someone fighting both passionately for it and against it. Many people have uncovered the truth on how effective conversation could potentially resolve problems. Some of the people have said the power of charisma to handle that subject (read The Charisma Myth). Regardless of these abovementioned topics, I'm sounding different perspective about the pattern of role model to the journey until they reach their true essence of position. 

Adequate Response
We're living in the era where we do not listening each other. As our world full of complicated issues around where we're facing conflicts everywhere, we often get sway on trivial issues which blows our argument easily. And among these flows of news, somewhat we miss the point to be an intelligent audience. Should some issue emerge for long-enough period which basically a shallow analysis based on vague data, this are occurred due to no one exist to clarify the thing. Thus, the continuity happens and no one would be willing to reveal the actual condition. Or else, we lost someone whose the voice would be heard because of the rational reason and objective argument. Instead of provoking the more tendency to specific side, this person represents the beauty beyond the bad assumption which most of the people have been argued.

Communication requires balance between understanding and proposing, and somewhere we lost the balance along the way. While people more likely proposing on something and turns out, becoming more offensive on offering their idea, somewhat... it isn't normal. Or else, when you become more understanding, turns out you become more passive on accepting any kind of circumstances to the point where you could less critical to provoke the weakness within specific case.

As I began the new stage of life years ago to the life where expert stands on, confront numbers of different loop with different scheme and character around, I found difficulties to bridge many conversation on the scale of fingertip with our mobile screen. And amongst those diverse connections, I rarely saw people around me taking concern on this communication gap issue. Firstly because it is not a big deal for them. They can handle the gap to have comfortable enough conversation between one acquaintance to another. Secondly, because their loop are having (more likely) similar pattern -people's preference, type, dream.

Considering the age of 20s as the most formative chapter of our life, we should learn on this thing to hone our communication skill. Beyond whole of the marathon of brain to accomplish academic degree, finding a suitable job, pursue the higher degree of education, or become financially independent, it was the stage where we decide to take a part as the society in general. To provide a concrete contribution and provide the upmost benefit to others.

5 Jan 2019

the diaem of human sanity

For some people, social communication is a critical thing to secure our sanity in measurable way and scale. As for me, it was defined as an essential element to trigger a person upon their responsibility towards other: spreading the utmost benefit to society widely. To resonate this idea, I am taking a side as the one whose highly depend on the aspect of interaction to maintain the sensibility as a human being.

Human has been unconsciously develop certain pattern in their life, from the day they wake until they close the day to start over and over again. The repetition might not be similar everyday, and ain't solely depend on how flat the path they’ve chosen. But for most of the people (e.g. employee) in the big city, this is something matter.

The worker in metropolitan area tend on having ritual from early morning to the midnight. Their rationality was literally influenced by the atmosphere of the office and the place they live. Sometimes we could include complementary activities by going around the big city’s mall, taking a shot at the delightful dinner table, and capture the togetherness moment with colleague or old friend. The work demands have surpassed beyond human sensibility. You might achieve your visible goal but still seek to find the utmost personal satisfaction.

Their connection limited to the social interaction with colleagues, old friends, and family. Sometimes it hardly recognize the neighborhood around or rarely greet to your room mate. Having social interaction beyond these circles can be a little bit tricky since these could form a new character in a way that changing your mind and the preference of your lifestyle. If you’re coming from a big company, spending huge amount of money can be a monthly rational budget as it demands you to pay for house and car’s installments. You also need to spend special budget for coffee shop. It is noteworthy to familiar with plenty of coffee shop in every mall. Each of them possessing a specific fragrance you might be able to taste with. The higher income you have, you must notice that you’re climbing into higher social status along with the network to escalate your existence. Turns out, it changes you in an irrational way. Some people thing that this kind of lifestyle sometimes exhausting.

After all of these glamorous challenging life in the heart of big city, still, you could hardly seek to find things to fill the inner void of yours. You seek in the depth of the ocean not realizing that the answer lies within ourselves. You don't provide a moment to securing the inner mind and contemplating the matter was about. You are often seeking to some intangible thing while coming back with an empty handed full of disappointment and self-despair. Ultimately, you are the one who are impacting the worst effect because of the temporary attachments with achievement and human praise.

For these last three days, I made a short trip to take a break (although partially allocating the time for work). Meeting old friends, visiting thesis supervisor and honorable teacher, and playing (literally playing). The sense of happiness cant be measured specifically, but distortion from all the daily hustle bustle can be achieved. And as the time goes by, there was a time when you realize everyone is moving and changing. Realizing that building the connection can be an initial leap to aware that confronting life and passing obstacles are little step for giant leap that you will face ahead. People's story can be a motivation to see something beyond your pragmatic framework. Sometimes people need to see the hidden story to observe the next challenging pathways and thinking creatively what's the next options they had. Or else, to scale up your enthusiasm to start over the new day.

Throughout receiving stories, interestingly this sense of atmosphere made me realize upon irreplaceable pace of the previous life which was the attachment of soul I am no longer see. To suppose to clinging to the Most Glorious and the Most Merciful is highly important. This was a beauty which was pathologically ignored by most of my current circle. Luckily I have friends and family to remind me these things.

These people are living in a modest way. They prefer to locally rooted and disseminate the brightful mind in a timely manner. I love how they act, so down-to-earth and realize that learning process could be gained from many people indeed. I was so admire on the way they did not count the standard of success, but much more wondering how much work had been made to provide the uppermost contribution to many people?

So we do all have a circle. A circle for us to discuss the dream. A group of people to express our feeling. A number of acquaintances to study in a group. Friends to build the narrative story of our childhood. Bridging the overall loop within our mind is critically substantial to keep sane. Balancing the need to fully provide ammunition for both your soul and passion. Maintaining the strong connection with other people as a trigger enhance our inner motivation into the right direction for the future.
