29 Jan 2014

how's the "exact" meaning of time?

"How IS the exact meaning of TIME, based on "my" own perspective?"
note : 23rd August 2013

This question above begin my elaboration and contemplation in order on making this essay as the one who's having a place in social society (thats actually makes the writer seems choosing the wrong major -not to be the anthropologist one). It seeks to highlight the exact meaning of time based on others argument, then compare it to writer's own perspective. Consist of the case in everyday life of thinking from the simple-minded person. While it is interesting to be as an observer of life, as we are, the social human that unconsciously holding a role (whether its important or not) as a social-human person.

It starts from the day i enjoy my holiday -proudly i said its about 2 month  (since i never got before, or probably once while im looking for the univ to continue my study after my graduation). On that shiny pleasure day, i got an announcement. To be true, im telling this is not a kinda i got disaster. Because after 2 weeks i went to pare for the sake of improving my english, so sudden a week after the last semester exam then the situation to make a preparation of this event (for the purposes of the case of this essay, let me called -this event is the "ABC" one).

Let me back to the story of news, the order from the leader of ABC. So  i bet this would be fix, and i do as its written. Well, so clearly written that we are, (as committee) must be back to jogja before 20th august. Clearly as written, and i do remember. I've no doubt on it.

About several days ago, i asked my sister to bought me train ticket, even thought i do realize mother wont give me permission.  After taking a time and debating because i know (is it just my own expectation or me is one  from several people who do care about this?) i got a part in it, and in any particular way, i have responsibility to do my job. And i do it as i please (sounds pathetic even though with smile). Luckily for certain case (that i cant describe) i postponed my schedule. It was a right choice, right after a sudden intuition that makes me should cancel my arrival, it'ld be on 21st but im back on 22nd. So i just arrived yesterday, on the early morning.

I went to jogja. Arrived here.

Oh, ya. In train i met my friends. The male one. I called him S, and i wont describe about this thing because im not in my mood. We were met, in fact he was sitting exactly in front of me, and he was sleeping whole the night. Peacefully.

Ive arrived here. As i said, i arrived on early morning and i got dizzy. Since S sleeping, i was staying whole the night that make me cannot compare how enjoy him on his way to jogja rather than me. Probably he've made a perfect plan while im not. So after i arrived, then my cousin back to klaten because of certain purpose. Then, i went to kampus to attend some kinda meeting (not the ABC one). It goes well, and im okay with this thing. Up until now, things going right.

Back to the ABC event. I went to sekre to make sure, at least demand job i can do beside doing nothing. Then, there i was, and found several people, doing something that probably only a bunch of human do this for wasting their time. And it do happens that makes me feels so guilty to argue on this thing with my mom who is the way on business. So let me back and ask this kinda question, "so what's the purposes im here?" im not kinda blaming on certain person. But, to be sure, i just wondering they ask to come before 20th. So i bet after that date, i'll have to do my work and got a job. List that i should do to be more useful person. It just out of my expectation. Actually, on that day, i also got totally dizzy, since i havent slept yet that makes my sensibility isnt working at all. Or probably, im going to crazy most of all.

A day 've passed, and things going just as same as before. They are doing nothing, and so do am i. My sister just called me, asked about my condition and work to do here. I just said with a pathetic voice sounds like the spoiled one begging for a toy, "please call me often before im freezing to death of this most sucking-waste of time here." 

Oh, God. Seems i'll mortgage everything only to change my mind a couple days ago just to postponed my arrival here. "Forgive me for leaving,"

Looking for another cases.

Once, when i was 1st year in senior high school. Fresh-graduate from junior high school -and also my fresh-mind. While im on the stage of full-of-enthusiasm one to participate on any kinda event, i was attended meeting. Said it would be start on 10 o'clock. An hours 've passed, then 2 hours. They should do realize that waiting from other who came late from the appointment is longer than expected. We just sat, pathetically waiting for nothing kinda wasting time. Imagine: 2 hours, then the meeting discussed an unimportant thing. THey do, didnt respect us. Yeah, feels it as a thing that 'we' must understand, not 'them whole' understand how long we wait, and how's the exact meaning of time, to be more respectable on their, and more than that, time for those who wait for them.

Things always happen here. I do understand how they proud to said, "because we are indonesian, so its always happen." And most of all, i dont know how could they make some kinda connection to know when he/she comes (after the time they should gather). 

I ever asked my friends about this one, "hey, why people always came late? is it a habit or joke?" it just out of my sense upon this different perspective. "it just,.. because of the traffic jam and other things that should do," sounds  there's so many excuses, full of understanding each other.

Writer digress from the subject as approve above, and ask a simple thing related to geographically area where the system are 'in' it. Which it means, lays exactly in Indonesia.  For several condition, considered from stereotype, culture, habitual movement, and their daily life. After all, this would be sounds a bit rascal, "is this actually the reason why indonesian known as tolerant people?"

Forgive me if, however i said a rude things.

I dont have any intention to sue for other to be more understand on things going on here or even trying on meddling other people business which im sure everyone should have their own life, word we shouldnt interrupt on own privacy. No mean im proud to be the one who do cares about (probably they could say about) an unimportant thing. And nor to show im kinda punctual person. To be true, its always "do" happens. They ask to attend the appointment at 00.00 o'clock, but  seems lateness is acceptable.  Those who come late is having their own reason while the other one seems the most understand people. They respect those late person. But they dont -do not- respect those punctual one. They flatly deny it and make it to be more sensible. Rather, they make it as habit. Thats the point we should highlight about. How amazing. Proud to be indonesian. Keeping the culture, i guess.

Let me make it more clear in order to make the things goes right and in the line.

We all do realize about most of us makes time to be pathologically ignored. And in another reason is how we are all, do renounce (even though unconsciously) upon our highly tolerate to another one. As (i said before) indonesian known as  tolerant and -hand in hand- people that is not the right (and definitely no acceptable) point to deny the fact we are actually a bunch of idiot who have no sensibility to respect the time, and no sense to respect other person. To be respectable people, at least.

A proper behavior should be the number one priority regardless of any kinda circumstances, nor an excuses. If we do want other to respect us, at least we should respect other. That is the common rule. If we want to learn how to respect other, why dont we start at least from the most simple thing we whole posses : time. Respect it. What on earth it could be happen if we want other to be highly of on our self if we didnt do vice versa?

Then, at last but not the least, writer intend to show how suffering she is, on this : loneliness, malnutrition, and stuck in the middle of nowhere. Then, imagine how beautiful it would be if just still stay longer in her home (that is so deep it means rather than said it 'house').

But, through the positive thinking of mind, in this condition i officially practicing to be able to answer,"if you are an unemployed one, what 'll u do?" And rather, i am spending my life to be more useful, making an essay, and deny a while whole my job here.

So, at the end of this essay, writer infer one thing to be true : Things always goes different in another perspective. Sometimes its out of your expectation, sometimes getting better, or even, worse. But as the time goes on, we will realize how important to see our unluckiness in a positive thinking. Rather, always prefer to be as yourself as always.
